The May 2023 Skysail Advisors Ltd Maritime Technology Landscape is now available.
Highlights of the May 2023 Skysail Maritime Technology Landscape:
Kpler acquired MarineTraffic and FleetMon in February, their first major transaction since attracting investment from Five Arrows and Insight Partners in April 2022. The acquisitions provide Kpler a broader set of products and data, including a proprietary terrestrial AIS network and extensive historical AIS data.
Vesson Nautical acquired vessel valuation and AIS analytics provider VesselsValue in April. Press releases indicate their vision is to build the standard platform for maritime commerce, and to become the one place customers can get access to data without having to switch into different tools.
A group of investors led by Giampiero Soncini has launched Oceanly, a vessel performance system for bulk maritime and LNG vessels. This follows an agreement with Arribatec to divest marine assets from its earlier acquisition of IB Marine Group.
AXSMarine invested a minority stake in Singapore-based NextVoyage, a startup in the voyage management system space. The transaction expands AXSMarine's presence across commercial operations and provides potential cross-sell opportunities into its customer base.
ZeroNorth acquired bunker supplier software provider BTS, further investing in scaling its offerings around digitalization and decarbonization of the marine fuel industry.
To learn more about Skysail's strategy, M&A advisory, and maritime tech landscape services, please get in touch with us at info@skysailadvisors.com.